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English Department

Kaylin O'DellKaylin O'Dell


B.A., Vassar College
M.A., Ph.D., Cornell University

Office: Palamountain 317
Phone: (518) 580-5150
Email: kodell@skidmore.edu

Teaching Interests:

  • Old and Middle English literature
  • Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages  
  • Performance studies 
  • History of reading
  • Rhetoric and the rhetorical tradition
  • Women and Gender Studies 

Courses Taught:

  • EN 105: "Fantasy and Worldmaking" 
  • EN 105: "The Art of Persuasion" 

Selected Publications:

  • “Concordia and Discordia”; “Pudicitia and Libido”; “Charm for a Delayed Birth.” Women in Early Medieval English: A Florilegium, eds. Hilary Fox, Irina Dumitrescu, Emily Butler. (Forthcoming from Palgrave, May 2023).
  • “Make Merry the Mind—Gathering Wisdom and Experience in the Solomon and Saturn Dialogues.” (Forthcoming, April 2023).
  • “Modern Marginalia: Digital Annotation in First-Year Composition Courses,” Computers and Composition (June 2020).
  • “Dramatizing Devotion in the Old English Vercelli Homily IV,” Journal of English and Germanic Philology (January 2018).